KTET Previous Papers Category 3 Natural Science (2024)

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Dear friends, Are you looking for KTET’s previous question papers in category 3 natural science latest year 2023-24 exam in PDF format? Then I want to help you and provide the latest previous year question paper for the KTET Exam.

What is the KTET Exam

The KTET 2023-24 exam is offering some great opportunities for those who have recently joined the state government Jobs. Getting the KTET qualification is a must for teachers entering government service under the Right to Education Act 2009.

To crack it, you need a solid plan, and practicing with the previous year’s question papers is the key. It gives you a feel for the real exam. KTET exams are like qualifying exams, so a smart strategy can help you. Here I provide the Previous year’s question paper in PDF Format.

KTET Category 3 Syllabus

The complete syllabus for KTET Category 3 Natural Science are given below

Natural Science Total 50 Marks

  1. Living World
  2. Biological classification
  3. Plant Kingdom
  4. Animal Kingdom
  5. Morphology of
  6. Cell & Cell Division
  7. Anatomy of Plants
  8. Human Physiology
  9. Reproductive Health
  10. Human Health and
  11. Reproduction in Plants
  12. Reproduction in
  13. Transport in Plants
  14. Photosynthesis
  15. Respiration in Plants
  16. Growth &
  17. Inheritance and
  18. Molecular basis of
  19. Strategies in
    enhancement of food
  20. Bio-technology principles, applications
  21. Microbes in Human
  22. Organisms, Populations
    and Ecosystem
  23. Environmental Issues
  24. Evolution
  25. Bio Diversity and

Pedagogy Total 30 Marks

  1. UNESCO- 4 pillars of
  2. Broad national goals of
    teaching biological
  3. Mc Cormick and Yagertaxonomy of teaching
  4. Nature of Science
  5. Science Curriculum
  6. Planning for instruction
  7. Methods of Teaching
    Natural science
  8. Audio-Visual aids and
    other support materials
  9. Evaluation
  10. Agencies for quality

Previous Year Papers Simple Questions

The following questions are taken from the previous year’s question paper, this will help to get an idea about the questions

Q : 1 An Amino acid that basic in nature is?

a) Lysine

B) Valine

c) Tryptohan

D) Phenylalanine

Q : 2 Which one of the following acts as a hormone that regulates blood pressure and blood flow?

a) Nitric Acid

B) Nitric Oxide

c) Sulphure Dioxide

D) Hydrogon Sulphide

Q : 3 Which one of the following is not excretory in function?

a) Malpighain Tubules

B) Flame Cells

c) Nephridia

D) Clitellum

Q: 4 In C4 plants Co2 fixation initially results in the formation of ?

a) Malic Acid


c) PEP


Q: 5 GEAC Stands for?

a) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee

B) Genome Engineering Action Committee

c) Genetic and Engineering Approval Council

D) Global Environmental Action Council

Download Papers

Here I provide two previous years’ question papers in PDF format and see how questions are coming in the final exam.


Thus in conclusion always Prepare well for the KTET 2024 exam, as it opens doors for recently recruited state government teachers. The above given previous year’s question papers will help a lot. Use previous year’s question papers for effective practice and good results. Good luck

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