Model Activity Task Class 10 History Part 1 All Answers

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Dear friends, if you searching for Model Activity Task Class 10 History Part 1 all questions and answers. Free Jobs Guide prepared detailed answers for every question which are given in class 10th history chapter 1. All answers are prepared by a qualified teacher and we guarantee, if you prepare these answers you will score 100% in your final exam.

Model Activity Task Class 10 History Part 1 Solved Answers

Write in brief notes on the following

Part a: Guiseppe Mazzini


Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) was an influential Italian nationalist and revolutionary leader during the 19th century. He played a vital role in the movement for Italian unification, known as the Risorgimento. Mazzini fervently believed in the idea of a united Italian republic and dedicated his life to this cause.

In 1831, Mazzini founded Young Italy, a secret society aimed at mobilizing the youth and instilling a sense of nationalistic pride. He firmly believed that the younger generation held the power to bring about social and political change. Mazzini’s writings, particularly his influential text “The Duties of Man,” inspired Italians to fight for independence and self-determination.

Part b: Count Camillo de Cavour

Answer: Count Camillo di Cavour (1810-1861) was a prominent Italian statesman and a leading figure in the process of Italian unification. He served as the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, one of the key regions in the unification movement. Cavour was a skilled diplomat and strategist, known for his pragmatic approach to politics. He worked towards strengthening Piedmont-Sardinia’s economy, modernizing infrastructure, and implementing reforms.

Cavour also played a crucial role in forming alliances with foreign powers, particularly France, to support the Italian cause. His efforts, along with those of other nationalists, eventually led to the formation of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.

Part c: The Greek war of Independence

Answer: The Greek War of Independence was a revolutionary conflict that took place from 1821 to 1830 in Greece. The Greeks sought to break free from the rule of the Ottoman Empire and establish an independent Greek state.

The war was marked by numerous battles and uprisings, with Greek nationalists fighting for their freedom. The conflict gained international attention and support, particularly from European powers sympathetic to the Greek cause.

The war concluded with the signing of the Treaty of Constantinople in 1830, which recognized Greece as an independent nation, ending centuries of Ottoman rule.

Part d: Frankfurt parliament

Answer: The Frankfurt Parliament was a German national assembly convened in 1848 with the aim of creating a unified and constitutional Germany. It consisted of elected representatives from various German states.

The parliament worked on drafting a constitution and discussing political reforms. However, its efforts were ultimately unsuccessful in achieving its goals.

Internal divisions, disagreements, and opposition from conservative forces led to its dissolution in 1849. Despite its failure, the Frankfurt Parliament played a significant role in shaping the future of German nationalism and served as a symbol of the desire for German unity.

Part e: The role of women in nationalist struggles


The role of women in nationalist struggles varied across different contexts and time periods. While their contributions often went unrecognized or were marginalized, women played significant roles in various nationalist movements around the world.

In many cases, women actively participated in resistance movements, engaging in activities such as organizing protests, participating in underground networks, and even taking up arms. They often faced challenges due to traditional gender norms and societal expectations, but their determination and resilience proved crucial to the success of these movements.

Q No: 2 What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective
identity among the French people?

Answer: The French revolutionaries took several steps to create a sense of collective identity among the French people. They introduced a common national flag, the tricolor, as a symbol of unity.

They established new civic rituals and ceremonies, such as the Festival of the Federation, to promote a shared sense of patriotism. The revolutionaries also implemented a centralized education system to spread French language and values.

Additionally, they sought to abolish regional differences and feudal privileges, promoting the idea of equality and citizenship for all French individuals, regardless of their background.

Q No: 3 Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in
which they were portrayed?

Answer: Marianne and Germania were symbolic figures representing the national personifications of France and Germany, respectively. Marianne symbolized the French Republic and its values of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Germania represented the idea of a unified Germany.

The way in which they were portrayed held great importance as they became powerful visual representations of their respective nations.

Their depictions in artwork and propaganda helped to evoke a sense of national pride and identity, rallying the citizens behind the ideals and aspirations of their countries during times of political and social change.

Q No: 4 Briefly trace the process of German unification?

Answer: The process of German unification began with the rise of Prussia as the dominant power under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck. Through a series of strategic wars, including the Austro-Prussian War and the Franco-Prussian War, Bismarck was able to unite the German states under the leadership of the Prussian king, Wilhelm I, resulting in the establishment of the German Empire in 1871.

Q No: 5 What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more
efficient in the territories ruled by him?

Answer: Napoleon introduced several changes to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories he ruled. These changes included the establishment of a centralized bureaucracy, uniform laws, and the Napoleonic Code, which streamlined legal proceedings. He also introduced efficient tax collection systems and implemented merit-based appointments within the administration.

Discuss on following questions Model Activity Task Class 10 History Part 1

Q No: 1 Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?

Answer: The 1848 revolution of the liberals refers to a wave of uprisings and revolutions that took place across Europe in 1848. The liberals sought political reforms such as constitutionalism, the rule of law, and representative government. They advocated for individual freedoms, civil rights, and equality before the law. Socially, they aimed for meritocracy and social mobility.

Economically, they supported free trade, laissez-faire policies, and the protection of private property. Overall, the liberals aimed to establish liberal-democratic systems and challenge the existing conservative and authoritarian regimes of the time.

Q No:2 Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe?


The contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe can be seen through three examples.

 Firstly, the rise of Romanticism in literature and arts celebrated national identity and folklore. Secondly, the preservation and promotion of national languages fostered a sense of linguistic unity and pride.

Lastly, cultural symbols such as national anthems and flags became powerful tools in fostering a collective national identity.

Q No: 3 Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the nineteenth century?

Answer: Over the nineteenth century, nations developed in different ways in various countries. For example, in Germany, the process of nation-building was characterized by the rise of Prussia and Otto von Bismarck’s strategic wars, culminating in the establishment of the German Empire in 1871. In Italy, national unification was achieved through the efforts of figures like Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Cavour, leading to the formation of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.

Q No: 4 How was the history of nationalism in Britain, unlike the rest of Europe?

Answer: The history of nationalism in Britain differed from the rest of Europe in several ways. Unlike continental Europe, Britain had a longstanding sense of national identity rooted in its island geography and shared historical experiences.

Additionally, British nationalism was often characterized by a sense of union and the integration of different regions, such as England, Scotland, Wales, and later Northern Ireland, into a unified state.

Q No: 5 Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans?

Answer: Nationalist tensions emerged in the Balkans due to a combination of factors. These include historical and cultural differences, religious divisions, imperialist influences, and the desire for self-determination among various ethnic groups. The decline of the Ottoman Empire and subsequent power struggles further exacerbated these tensions, leading to nationalist movements and conflicts in the region.


In conclusion, the above-given Model activity task class 10 history part 1 answers are given according to NCERT Syllabus, and all answers are prepared by expert teachers and hope you enjoy our answers. Prepare all these answers for your exam and get the best score.

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