Model Activity Task Class 7 History Part 5 Complete Solution

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If you are a student of class 7th and probably you might be searching for model activity task class 7 history part 5. Here we have prepared a detailed article on the model activity task for class 7th History Chapter name is “Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities” based on NCERT Syllabus.

Details of Model Activity Task Class 7 History Part 5

All the questions of the model activity task class 7th History like Matching questions, True False questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and all other short answer questions are here.

Let’s Recall

Q No: 1 Match the following questions


  1. Garh – Fort
  2. Khel – Clan
  3. Tanda – Caravan
  4. Chaurasi – Eighty-four
  5. Labourer – Paik
  6. Clan – Garha Katanga
  7. Ahom state – Sib Singh
  8. Paik – Durgawati

Q No: 2 Fill in the blanks questions


(a) The new castes emerging within varnas were called jatis.

(b) Buranjis were historical works written by the Ahoms.

(c) The Ain-i-Akbari mentions that Garha Katanga had 70,000 villages.

(d) As tribal states became bigger and stronger, they gave land grants to priests and Brahmins.

Q No: 3 State whether true or false


(a)True. Tribal societies indeed had rich oral traditions.

(b) False. There were tribal communities in the northwestern part of the subcontinent. (c) False. The chaurasi in Gond states did not contain several cities.

(d) False. The Bhils did not live in the northeastern part of the subcontinent.

Q No: 4 What kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturists?


Nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturists engaged in various exchanges. Pastoralists provided animal products like milk, wool, and meat, while agriculturists offered grains and other agricultural produce. Additionally, they exchanged knowledge, and technology, and sometimes engaged in trade and barter for mutual benefit.

Let’s Understand

Q No: 5 How was the administration of the Ahom state organised?


The administration of the Ahom state was organized under the rule of the king. The state had a hierarchical structure with various officers and departments responsible for governance, defense, revenue collection, judiciary, and maintaining law and order.

Q No: 6 What changes took place in a varna-based society?


In a varna-based society, changes occurred as new castes (jatis) emerged, challenging the rigid varna system. Varna boundaries became flexible, and occupational mobility increased, leading to a more diverse and complex social structure.

Q No: 7 How did tribal societies change after being organized into a state?


After being organized into a state, tribal societies experienced changes in their political, social, and economic structures. They adopted administrative systems, centralized authority, and settled agriculture, which transformed their nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle into a more sedentary and structured society.

Let’s Discuss

Q No: 8 Were the Banjaras important for the economy?


Yes, the Banjaras were important for the economy. They played a significant role in long-distance trade, transportation of goods, and as suppliers of bullocks and pack animals, contributing to the economic activities of the time.

Q No: 9 In what ways was the history of the Gonds different from that of the Ahoms? Were there any similarities?


The history of the Gonds and Ahoms differed in terms of their geographical locations, political systems, and cultural practices. However, both societies had distinct indigenous identities, faced external invasions, and established strong kingdoms that contributed to regional history and development.


According to the above-given answer solutions of model activity task class 7th History, part 5 is compulsory for the final exam preparation. The above-given answer solutions are prepared by highly qualified teachers, So we recommend these answers for your exam.

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