Top 5 Noun Worksheet for Class 2 with Answers Pdf Download

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A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Here are Examples of nouns include Dog, lion, teacher, book etc. Nouns can be singular (referring to one person, place, thing, or idea) or plural (referring to more than one). So, if you are a student of class 2 grade and finding the best noun worksheets. Here is our Top 5 Noun Worksheet for Class 2 with Answers and you download all worksheets in pdf.

Types of Noun

There are different types of Nouns and the student of class 2 needs to understand every type of noun to be careful in order to become an expert and do all worksheets correctly. All types of nouns are given below in detail

Common Nouns

A common noun is a name given in common to any person, place or thing. Examples: book, city, dog, teacher, fruit.

Proper Nouns

A proper noun is a name given to a specific person, place or thing. Examples: Tom, Harry Potter, New York City, The Beatles, Apple Inc.

Collective Nouns

A collective noun is a name given to a group of people, animals or things. Examples: a flock of birds, a herd of cattle, a school of fish, a pack of wolves.

Abstract Nouns

An abstract noun is a name given to a quality, state or idea that cannot be seen or touched. Examples: love, happiness, courage, kindness, and beauty.

Concrete Nouns

A concrete noun is a name given to anything that can be seen or touched. Examples: table, chair, pen, tree, car.

Countable Nouns

A countable noun is a noun that can be counted or quantified. Examples: one book, two apples, and three pens.

Uncountable Nouns

An uncountable noun is a noun that cannot be counted or quantified. Examples: water, sugar, salt, air, and knowledge.

Top 5 Noun Worksheets for Class 2 are given below

Worksheet No: 1

Worksheet No: 2

Noun Worksheet No: 3

Noun Worksheet No: 4

Noun Worksheet No: 5


In Short, the Noun Worksheet for Class 2 is a great source of learning with full fun and interest. By doing the above worksheets, Class 2 students will get a full understanding of the Noun. Hope you love our worksheets

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