Model Activity Task Class 7 History Part 3 Solution

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Dear friends, this article is about the model activity task class 7 History part 3 and the chapter name is “Delhi: 12th TO 15th CENTURY” based on NCERT Syllabus. Here you will get all answers and solutions like short answer questions etc.

Details of Model Activity Task Class 7 History Part 3

The questions and answers are given article are taken for Model Activity Task class 7th History subject. These answers are prepared by highly qualified teachers.

Let’s Recall

Q No: 1 Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi?


The ruler who first established his capital at Delhi was Prithviraj Chauhan

Q No: 2 What was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans?


The language of administration under the Delhi Sultans was Persian. It was commonly used for official purposes, court proceedings, and written records during the medieval period in India.

Q No:3 In whose reign did the Sultanate reach its farthest extent?


The Sultanate of Delhi reached its farthest extent during the reign of Alauddin Khilji. Under his rule, the Delhi Sultanate expanded its territories through successful military campaigns, reaching its peak in terms of territorial control.

Q No: 4 From which country did Ibn Battuta travel to India?


Ibn Battuta traveled to India from Morocco. He embarked on his journey from Morocco and traveled extensively across various regions, including India, during his explorations in the 14th century.

Let’s Understand

Q No:5 What is meant by the “internal” and “external” frontiers of the Sultanate?


The “internal” frontier of the Sultanate refers to the areas within the Sultanate’s territories that needed to be controlled and governed. The “external” frontier refers to the border regions that were often under constant threat from external powers or rival kingdoms.

Q No: 6 What were the steps taken to ensure that muqtis performed their duties? Why do you think they may have wanted to defy the orders of the Sultans?


To ensure that muqtis (tax collectors) performed their duties, the Sultans appointed spies to monitor their activities and imposed strict regulations. Muqtis may have wanted to defy the orders due to corruption, personal gain, or dissatisfaction with the Sultan’s policies.

Let’s Discuss

Q No: 7 Do you think the authors of tawarikh would provide information about the lives of ordinary men and women?


The authors of tawarikh (historical chronicles) generally focused on the lives of rulers, nobles, and significant events rather than ordinary men and women. Thus, they might not provide extensive information about the daily lives of common people.

Q No: 8 Raziyya Sultan was unique in the history of the Delhi Sultanate. Do you think women leaders are accepted more readily today?


Today, women leaders are generally more readily accepted, although challenges and biases still exist. Progress has been made in recognizing and promoting gender equality, but there is ongoing work to fully achieve equal acceptance of women leaders in various spheres of society.

Q No: 9

Why were the Delhi Sultans interested in cutting down forests? Does deforestation occur for the same reasons today?


The Delhi Sultans were interested in cutting down forests to clear land for agriculture, establish settlements, and acquire resources. Today, deforestation occurs for similar reasons, such as agriculture expansion, urbanization, industrial development, and resource extraction, albeit with increased awareness of environmental consequences.


Thus, in conclusion, the above-given solutions of model activity task class 7 history part 3. All the questions and solutions are given in to the point and very short so that the class 7th student can understand and remember easily.

Answer Solution of Model Activity Task Class 7 History Part 2

Model Activity Task Class 7 History Part 1 Answer Solution

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